i need a funny joke..the stolen goat

Kunle stole a goat, he was arrested and taken to court. JUDGE: Gentleman, are you guilty or not guilty? KUNLE: My Lord, I’m...

hilarious joke of the day..people without gifts

A man was invited to a wedding. When he reached the hotel, he found two doors written on them: 1. Bride's relatives 2. G...

hilarious joke that will make you cry...Why steal the car?

Judge: “Why did you steal the car?” Man: “I had to get to work.” Judge: “Why didn’t you take the bus?” Man: I don’t have...

short joke of the day...Frozen window

Wife sends a text message to her husband on a really cold winter morning: Windows are totally frozen, will not open. Husband...

funny short joke...be patient. Listen

I came home from work. I was tired. I sat down on the sofa. Put my feet up. My wife brought me a glass of water. My son gave me...